- Experience of execution of Transmission line and substation up to 765 kV
- Outstanding knowledge of safety and environment.
- Highly qualified and skilled civil team.
- Working experience in harsh climate conditions, including coastal areas.
- Excellent quality team members, having strong hold on ISO and other standards.
- Deliver exceptional results with client’s SASF on
- A skilled and dedicated team of professionals.
Our Vision
Our vision is to become a professionally managed organization with a strong commitment to our values, powering the progress of our clients & thereby contributing to nation-building.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide reliable services to clients that tend to reduce both energy and monetary losses & to provide superior special power services by creating mutually rewarding relationships in a safe, inspiring, and open environment.
Our Motto
- Quality execution in line with client’s requirements
- Strict adherence to the time schedule of client
- Complete satisfaction of client through our workmanship
- Maintaining long-term relations with our clients.
Project in Hand
PGCIL SS-86, 765/400/220kv Fatehgarh-III, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, Project Value: 26.85 Cr.
Hitachi Energy India Ltd. [Aditya Birla] 400KV AIS Substation Barmer—Project Value: 6.50 Cr.
Godrej: 765/400/200Kv; Fatehgarh: III; Jaisalmer: Project Value: 3.00 Cr.
Adani Green Ltd. 536 MW Siyamber-200 MW Solar Project at Jaisalmer with Local Liaising, Land Issue, AARE Grading, Piling, MMS, Acdc, and Road Work—Project Value: 27.50 Cr.
Environment, Health and Safety Statement
M/s SGR Infra Pvt Ltd is commi ed to provide services and products to its clients at the
highest a ainable standard of safety and environment protec on for its employees,
contractors, visitors and other interested par es throughout all areas of its ac vi es, in
accordance with client expecta ons, demands and schedules, providing flexible performance
and quick reac ons to changes and mee ng the quality requirements defines in standards
and specifica ons.
SGR Infra Pvt Ltd will comply with applicable environmental, health and safety laws,
direc ves, regula ons and other requirements as a baseline for doing business, not as a goal.
We believe compliance is owned by all employees, and will monitor such compliance through
regular self-assessments and audits of our opera ons, take correc ve ac ons as warranted,
and include compliance sustainability as a rou ne part of opera ons. We will periodically
iden fy those aspects of our opera ons on a local level which have the most significant
environmental, health and safety impact, and establish objec ves and targets for con nuous
improvement in these areas. In par cular, we will work to advance the following aspects
within our opera ons:
- Considering sustainability in the development and adop on of site opera ons and
- prac ces.
- Reducing workplace injuries and incidents.
- Reducing ergonomic and manual handling risks in the workplace.
- Reducing physical and natural disaster risks.